I Am Pro snow with Sina Candrian

Winter is knocking on the door, bringing fresh snow, the early opening of some resorts and the kickoff of the I AM PRO campaign. The program helps ski resorts to convert to 100% renewable electricity and encourages winter sports enthusiasts with concrete climate protection actions.

Sina Candrian has been an ambassador for I AM PRO for a long time. We caught up with her on the importance of the program and what little actions we can take everyday to help slow down climate change.

Hey Sina! With the season just starting here, can you tell us a little bit about the I AM PRO SNOW program in Switzerland?
The PRO SNOW program is here to motivate snow sports fans to act against climate change! Every year  we see the reality of it! A lot of riders joined the community to help spread the fact that we have to do something against the change — otherwise we will all lose the snow we love! We did a lot of campaigns in different ski resorts, showing people what they can do to combat climate change. There are so many little things that don’t even cost us anything…

Why did you choose to join them? How did you get involved?
I wanted to be a part of this community because I think it is important to share the reality of climate change. We are both really concerned about it, and want to work together to motivate people to act. Now we are both partners of I AM PRO SNOW.

So let’s be practical, how can everyone take actions to participate?
As I mentioned before, there are many little things that we can change that don’t cost us anything. Switching to 100% renewable electricity for example. On the website, I AM PRO Snow you can join the electricity pledge to work on shifting to 100% clean, renewable electricity.

You can also take some nice and easy actions to help our green planet:

  • Don’t buy food with extra packaging, don’t take plastic bags at the checkout. Bring your own shopping bag and reuse it.
  • Eat fresh, local and organic, and if you can, don’t eat meat and animal products.
  • Bring your own water bottle — don’t buy a one-way plastic one every day.
  • Bring your own mug to coffee take away stations.
  • Recycle everything you can.

Anything else you’d like to add?
Don’t try to be perfect. Just give your best and the planet will thank you!!

Thanks Sina! Congratulation on your 3rd place in Milano and all the best for this season!